Sunday, December 26, 2010

L.C.I. # 22 - Five Card Peek-A-Boo

Merry Christmas! Two Les Cakewalk strips in one month!

I made up the name "Five Card Peek-a-Boo" for this strip but afterwards I thought it could be a cool rules mechanic you could tack onto a normal game of poker. After any player folds, a player who is still in could re-ante (or blind) etc... to "peek" at their cards. The whole table would get a look at what he folded on before the cards were flipped over again and hidden for the rest of the hand. The next player who wished to "peek" at a folded hand would have to pay double ante, the third, quadruple, etc...

I dunno. Could be cool

Sunday, December 5, 2010

L.C.I. #21: Quing Qube

So I guess the point that Quing Qube started to diverge from Pat's King of Cubes in my mind was after attempting to play a game of the poorly thought out scrabble spin off "Quip Qubes".

A friend found it in her attic or at a yard sale or something and being the enthusiastic board game nerds we are we decided to give it a shot. Instead of forming words with letter tiles you roll word dice and make a sentence with the ensuing gibberish over a scrabble type board. Since you can make a meaningless yet structurally correct sentence with virtually any combination of words you'd use all the dice on your first roll every time. The sentences thus formed were inevitably so long and nonsensical they weren't even interesting in a offbeat Exquisite Corpse style. They were just dull.

Take that Dada theory.

So that's where the name and the obnoxiousness came in. I've based characters around worse premises.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

L.C.I. #20: The Devil You Don't

This is the first comic to feature Quing Qube, the ruler of limbo. Quing is based on Pat Aulisio's King of Cubes (thanks Pat!). Originally I was just going to use swipe the King wholesale from Pat's work, with permission of course, but in the process of writing this arc he slowly developed into the monumentally obnoxious Quing Qube that appears here. You'll be seeing a lot more of this guy in the next dozen strips or so.

Updated later in the month than I normally like to but you've got to give me a break. I was getting my Philadelphia City Paper comics issue entries ready. Again, wish me luck.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

L.C.I. #19: The Devil You Know

The boys finally make it out of Hell! What strange adventures lie on the other side of the portal?

That's what happens when you've got nothing to say about the actual drawing of the comic. You have to made up weirdly enthusiastic ad copy,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

L.C.I. #18 - Global Domination

This comic is actually a near transcription of a comic I did in 2002 for the first Baltimore City Paper Comic Contest. While the art is so awful that I will never post it here I always liked the premise and it fit perfectly for this part of the story. I dusted off the dialogue, inserted Sweeny, Chester and Scratch in their military costumes and there you go.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

L.C.I. #16: Why They Call Him Scratch

I kinda feel like bitching and wheedling about it being such a long time since I've knuckled down to color a new LCI but you know what? Fuck that shit. I really appreciate all of you who follow my stuff but it's not exactly like anyone's clamoring for more M. Jacob funnies or nothing.

It's summer damn it. I may be incapable of not feeling guilty for spending time unchained from the drawing board but I can choose not to listen to that voice.

Peace out true believers.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

L.C.I. #15: Never Bet the Devil Your Head

New Les Cakewalks Infernal story arc starts today!

This one's going to be 16 pages when its done and the good news is I've already got eight drawn. The bad news is I forgot how long it takes me to color these damn things!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

L.C.I. #14b: Well The Sheriff Was a Hellhound - Part Two

Well It certainly fuckin' Took me long enough! Sorry Kids. Going back to work means that even if I can find time to draw comics scanning, cleaning and coloring 'em is sometimes a bit too much for me.

Gonna keep drawing but unless I get laid off again weekly updates are a thing of the past. Working on a really cool "serious" six pager that I'll share with you in a couple months. Until then enjoy the second half of "The Sheriff Was a Hellhound"


Sunday, April 4, 2010

L.C.I. #14a: Well The Sheriff Was a Hellhound - Part One

Another two parter but I'm splittin' it up over two weeks to get more milage out of it. I've only got so many more comics left in the bank!

The two unsavory characters who rough up Sweeny and Chester at the start of this strip are Fuckers (Roach) and Rowdy (Cat). My friends Benn and Rachelle asked me to make up characters with those names, I think to be based on them but it was a while ago so I don't remember. I hope not because when I decided this strip needed some real bad seeds, seeing as Sweeny and Chester are just good natured petty criminals and Satan is only a jerk because he's starved for attention the names immediately popped into my head.

These two jerks on the, they deserve to be down there. They'd slit their mama's throat for a nickel which they'd immediately gamble away. Thankfully they're no smarter than our boys. Dunno how I'll wind up using them but I think their existence lends the strip some color. Sorry Benn & Rachelle!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

L.C.I. #13: The Five Dollar Gigolo

The first two panels of this strip sum up all of Les Cakewalks. Sweeny and Chester loafing around in a bar then the devil pops out of nowhere to stir up trouble. Course That's the way I imagine it 13 strips in. God knows where things could go in a decade when I've got like a hundred of these, if I make it that far that is.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

L.C.I. #12: Not Going To Make It

Well, Here it is, the whole Shabazz. The first completed Les Cakewalks story arc. I hope you liked reading it as much as I like making it. Pages took flippin' forever to draw and color but I'm really proud of how it turned out.

I've actually got 7 more strips drawn (a one shot and the start of a new arc) but I'm dragging my ass on coloring them. I also want to exhaust all the HypnoSpiral #1 strips before posting new LCI. Don't worry though, I'm still drawing so Sweeny n' Chester aren't going anywhere. Or are they...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

L.C.I. #11: Stunt Suits

Gotta love that Evel Knievel sheik. The conclusion of this story arc next week!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

L.C.I. #10: Following A Strange Man to a Second Location

I'm breakin' the four update streak of pee joke comics. I may not want to but I think it's the right thing to do.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

L.C.I. #9: Up Jumped The Devil

Introducing the man that needs no introduction! The king of catastrophe. The loser of the heaven weight championship belt. Thee great, thee irate... Satan!