Monday, July 25, 2011

L.C.I. #30: A Thicker Line Than Might Be Assumed

Like a stoned teenager, Sweeny can seem super deep in the moment but it bright light of reality, he's revealed a goddamn moron.

This comic wraps up the "Never Bet the Devil Your Head" Saga. You can read the whole thing from the beginning Here. It's got a three act structure and everything. I'm seriously super proud.

Now all that's left to do is do a cover and print it up as LCI issue #2. I'll also make a post about the first printed issue here soon.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

L.C.I. #29: The Shit-Show Showdown

I took off all this week and all I got done was the last two Les Cakewalks Strips in this arc. To hell with it. I had a ball this week and they both turned out okay. Also this may be my favorite title for any Les Cakewalks strip I've ever done.

There's going to be a second issue printed soon so look out for it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

L.C.I. #28: Obligation To Be Cordial

Don't you hate these situations. Someone you really really don't want to make small talk with but you're professionally/socially/ethically required required to uphold a conversation with. Even worse when they want you to do something. Best thing to do is just pretend you've got you're own talk show. Eventually their time will be up and you'll be able to leave.

Weirdly I realized after drawing this that The Devil takes the Lord's name in vain like three times in this strip. I guess it's a sin or something.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

L.C.I. #27: The Master of Deception

The terrible return of everyone's least favorite verbose villain- Quing Qube!

We've turned the corner into the 3rd act here kids. Only three more comics and this story arc's gonna be in the can. Of course that means I've got to get to drawing the last couple which I've barely started on. So much easier to keep pumping out gags.

I'll be at the MOCCA festival in New York this weekend. Come out and see me if you're in town.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

L.C.I. #26: Grace Gets Lunch

Okay so maybe there's no deco nightclubs in this one but this strip includes two things I will never tire of drawing. Pay-phones and Satan working in an office. It's not even like a cool old time mob boss office or a cutting edge Manhattan trying to impress clients office. It's a shit brown, shag carpeted 1970s style back office. The kind that shady insurance companies and unprofitable plastics distributors still operate out of to this very day.

Absolutely no one wants to see a Madmen type show that's set in this dump but guess what? Mr. Scratch is there every day at 7:00 AM trying to get a leg up on the competition. He may not come off as flashy as the other guys but the overhead's low and nothing is a substitute for the dedication and elbow grease he puts in. Shit, he'll come in on Saturday just to make sure the janitors aren't stealing company toilet paper.

Grace on the other hand is just counting the years until retirement.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

L.C.I. # 25: Uptight

After so many strips of nothing but baby filled desert the Deco nightclub in the Buddhist spirit world was a blast to draw. Also entertaining was the monk/bouncer hybrid. For the record, you can make anyone look like a douche bag by adding a soul patch.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

L.C.I. #24: He Spits and He Cusses

I saved this GIF a little differently than I normally do because some of the color was using a weird and ugly halftone. I really like the effect on the penultimate panel which I originally had used as a straight fade. Gives a better "oh shit" effect.

Here's to things working out well because they don't the way you want them to.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

L.C.I. #23: Why You Shouldn't Try To Help People

This comic guest stars Tim Krieder's "Mr. Tehn" (used with permission). Hell, I'm using so many guest stars in this arc I might as well call it the goddamn Love Boat.