Sunday, March 13, 2011

L.C.I. #26: Grace Gets Lunch

Okay so maybe there's no deco nightclubs in this one but this strip includes two things I will never tire of drawing. Pay-phones and Satan working in an office. It's not even like a cool old time mob boss office or a cutting edge Manhattan trying to impress clients office. It's a shit brown, shag carpeted 1970s style back office. The kind that shady insurance companies and unprofitable plastics distributors still operate out of to this very day.

Absolutely no one wants to see a Madmen type show that's set in this dump but guess what? Mr. Scratch is there every day at 7:00 AM trying to get a leg up on the competition. He may not come off as flashy as the other guys but the overhead's low and nothing is a substitute for the dedication and elbow grease he puts in. Shit, he'll come in on Saturday just to make sure the janitors aren't stealing company toilet paper.

Grace on the other hand is just counting the years until retirement.